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Keep on singing!

The New York Times published a story about a father who was walking down the streets of East Hampton, New York with his pre-teen daughter.This father began to hum and sing to himself and his daughter, mortified by this, turned to her father and pleaded…“Daddy please don’t sing!”That man?Billy Joel.Yep, the same Billy Joel who has sold out Madison Square Garden 32 times so people could “hear Daddy sing.”But to his daughter he is not six-time Grammy Award winner Billy Joel.He is simply the most embarrassing dad in the world.Good news, it's not just YOUR kid who doesn't recognize your brilliance : )Right now your kid might be in that difficult stage of life where they’re trying to figure out who they are and how they are different from you.And so they roll their eyes. And sigh. And make verbal jabs....and if we aren’t careful we can begin to buy into these mixed messages that seem to say -- “GO AWAY!”“Daddy. Please don’t sing.”And though it’s quite difficult to NOT take these sorta comments personally...don’t stop singing.Don’t give in to the knee-jerk reaction to withdraw.Your kid needs your voice in their life.And though they might not admit it - they know they need your voice.So even when their comments say otherwise...Remember: Your voice is the single most important voice in their life.So keep singing.—Josh.

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