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STEM super heros

Who are our super heroes now?

These are scary times for everyone and you hear people talking about all the things that need to be done to save us.

They need to find a cure or vaccine, they need to make a way to test more efficiently

They need to figure out a way to make more ventilators

They need to get more toilet paper in the stores

They need to tell us when its safe to go out and be together again.

Who are “they”? They are the people who will be our heroes and save the day. These heroes are our scientists, technology crews , engineers and mathematicians. You have heard you teachers talk about STEM and maybe thought STEM was about having fun with robots or maybe printing bumper stickers, but it is so much more.


The scientists are the medical professionals, lab technicians and other medical staff. The scientists are the ones taking on the fight with the virus in the front lines and in the back lab rooms. There are scientists studying antibodies of sick people trying to create a new vaccine for the rest of us. The scientists are the ones who will find a way.


The technology crews are the ones who are keeping the data flowing, making sure the medical professionals have the information they need to make critical life saving decisions. Technology is what makes if possible for doctors around the world to share information and ideas. Technology gives us the lifesaving machinery that is keeping this virus from being so much worse. The Technology crews are the ones who will find a way


The engineers are the ones who are able to take the ideas from the scientists and technology professionals. They are the ones who are figuring out how to re-tool auto manufacturing plants to make ventilators. The Engineers are the ones who are going to find new and more efficient ways of getting the job done. The engineers are the ones that are figuring out how make homemade masks and how to make the best use of the materials on hand. The engineers are the ones who will find a way


Math?! How does this all have to do with math? The mathematicians are the ones who are graphing the progress of the virus’ spread. The mathematicians are the one who make models to predict what will in the future. The mathematicians are the ones who figure out the most efficient way to distribute goods and services. The mathematicians are the ones who figure out how to make sure the hospitals get the ventilators and masks they need and make sure that we get our toilet paper in the most efficient way possible. The mathematicians are the ones who will find a way.

The next time you think about super heroes, think about the nerds. In the end, it’s the nerds who will save humanity and the world. You are home doing distance learning, take it seriously because maybe one day you will be one of these super heroes and will save the world.

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