Welcome back to school- it's track season!
Welcome back to the last quarter of school. 4th quarter is always a busy and important time. We have State MERIT testing, Galileo testing, finals at the end of the quarter and track season. I have seen a huge impact on student achievement during track season and if you are on the track team that's awesome but make sure you keep perspective on what important to focus on. You will be tired after practice and you will get back late after meets. You can plan for both of these things by doing a couple of things:
1. See if you can get assignments early in the week and finish them before the meet
2. Work on homework during lunch or during class free time. You are making a trade- your lunch hour for the time needed after school.
3. Do extra credit every time you can so that if you end up having to miss an assignment, the lower grade won't hurt you as much.
4. Have fun! Enjoy being part of a great track team and being outside during this great spring weather. :)