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Take your testing seriously

This week we will begin taking the Arizona Merit test. You should take your testing seriously because it gives you, your parents and your teachers information about your education and gives the state information about how your school is doing educating you. Some of the questions will be easy and some will be hard. All you can do is do your best. If you don't know the answers, don't stress out about it- maybe you didn't learn the information yet or maybe it was presented to you in a different way in class- it does not mean you are dumb! If you take your time and do your best, you will be fine. Not everyone is expected to know every answer because if they did, there would be no way to tell which students are excelling and which are just moving along as expected, so don't worry about it. If you finish early, please double check your work- check your math calculations and answer input and re-read all written work for fluency. Show off what you know and make our school shine! Eat a good breakfast, bring a snack for testing breaks and go to bed early. See you there!

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